Introducing: Domain Health Checker

Priority Prospect
June 8, 2021

Hey everyone!

Today, I would like to introduce a domain health checker for you. This is a small tool which you can use by visiting this URL:

This tool is also built into our PBN dashboard and you can access it when you click on your domain’s status (Healthy/Error/Attention button). Or when you click on “Actions” > “Domain Health Report”.

What is this tool?

This tool will analyze your DNS zone and hosting and will display errors or warnings when something is not quite right. With every error or warning there will be a longer explanation about what’s wrong and what can be done to fix it. It will check for:

  • Nameservers
  • A (root domain) and CNAME/A www subdomain
  • MX records and MX server
  • Web request to: HTTP, WWW HTTP, HTTPS, WWW HTTPS


Since this tool is in beta version which means there can be bugs. If you find any glitches or bugs, please let us know so we can make that tool better. Or if you have suggestions for extra checks then all suggestions are very welcome

So we hope you like this tool and you find it useful.

Best regards,
Priority Prospect team

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