Announcing 15 New Updates

Priority Prospect
June 8, 2021

Hey there!

As you might have already noticed, we have made a bunch of updates to our hosting system past 2 months. Below you can find a list of updates that we did.

  • Now you can generate and download backups straight from the PBN dashboard
  • View account’s 500 last actions under “Account Log”
  • Change cPanel password straight from the PBN dashboard (network view)
  • Debug our firewall and check if your IP is blocked
  • Add, edit and delete DNS TXT records
  • You can download all invoices in PDF format within a specific date range (Billing page > invoices table > show all invoices)
  • You can cancel individual IP addresses now (Billing page > Orders table > Actions > Modify)
  • We changed how you order IPs. Now you can:
    • Choose which “class” IP you want to order: A/B/C
    • You can choose exactly how many IPs per location you want
    • You can choose between shared or dedicated IPs
  • Many graphical changes to the PBN dashboard
  • New invoice format which shows exactly what you are paying for
  • Want to host your own files and databases privately in your own server? No problem, now you can set a custom host your network and all IP traffic is forwarded to your own private server.
  • For custom hosts, wildcard routing is now available. This will allow you to create wildcard subdomains which will be routed through the network.
  • You can change the IP address of a domain from the action menu
  • Added HTTPS to HTTP redirect (Actions > Domain Redirects)
  • New support system (live chat + support tickets)

We hope those changes will help you. If you have any suggestions, feature requests or feedback, please let us know.

Best regards,
Priority Prospect team

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Priority Prospect

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Announcing 15 New Updates Announcing 15 New Updates

Hey there! As you might have already noticed, we have made a bunch of updates to our hosting system past 2 months. Below you can find a list of updates that we did. We hope those changes will help you. If you have any suggestions, feature requests or feedback, please let us know. Best regards,Priority […]

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