7 SEO Mistakes To Avoid

Priority Prospect
July 3, 2023

Hey hey!

With search engine algorithms constantly evolving, one common misconception lingers: SEO is a straightforward process without room for error.

Even the most seasoned marketers can make mistakes if they aren't careful. But that's ok.   

The good news is that by recognizing these mistakes and staying up-to-date with SEO best practices, you can confidently navigate the digital maze and enable your visitors to have an excellent user experience.

SEO Mistake #1 - Your Website Is Not Optimized For Mobile

If you had doubts about mobile-friendliness being a Google ranking factor, well… No place for doubt anymore.

Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search results, giving them higher visibility and better chances of attracting organic traffic. Businesses must pay more attention to mobile optimization to avoid losing out on potential customers searching for products or services on their smartphones. 

User experience plays a significant role in SEO.

Mobile-friendly websites provide a seamless browsing experience with easy navigation, readable content, and optimized images that load quickly.

On the other hand, websites that are not optimized for mobile devices often suffer from slow loading times, distorted layouts, and difficult-to-read text. 

Such issues can frustrate users and lead to higher bounce rates, which indirectly might negatively impact your search engine rankings

Consider this: picture your favorite website seller while browsing for office stationery supplies. Now, imagine encountering strange website layouts with text that seems to be escaping from one side to another. Would you feel confident purchasing on such a website?

You would likely drop your search before even considering a purchase. 

For businesses that don't have mobile-optimized websites, there are some actionable tips to improve their SEO and cater to mobile users:

  • Prioritize responsive web design, which allows your website to adapt and adjust its layout and content according to the screen size of the used device.
  • Optimize your website's loading speed by compressing images, minifying code, and leveraging browser caching.

Take advantage of Google's Mobile-Friendly Test to evaluate your website's mobile optimization and identify areas for improvement.

SEO Mistake #2 - Your Website Images Are Confusing Readers

When optimizing your website for search engines, every little detail matters. 

One often overlooked aspect is the presence of broken images.

Search engines like Google crawl the web for content, links even broken images. When they encounter broken images on your site, it could negatively impact your website's ranking in SERPs. 

Moreover, broken images lead to poor user experience because they can disrupt your website's overall visual look and feel.

So how can you identify and fix these broken images? The answer is simple:

  • Add descriptive and relevant ALT text to your images, as Google uses it as part of its overall understanding of the content on a webpage.
  • Conduct a regular and thorough website audit.
  • Once you detect this issue, either fix, remove or update URLs to broken images.

Essentially, always ensure all your images are correctly optimized and loaded properly. 

 "Mirror, mirror on the wall; who is the prettiest of them all?" Beautiful websites improve the user experience, which could go a long way for your SEO strategy.

SEO Mistake #3 - Your Website Content Is Outdated Or Has Nothing To Do With User's Search Intent

All of us love fresh and relevant content, and search engines like Google do prioritize relevant content

Having visibility, exposure, and brand recognition is crucial for any business. It's important to understand that if your website displays outdated information, it may negatively impact your overall credibility and trustworthiness.

Neglecting regular attention to your website could lower search rankings because outdated content may be seen as less valuable to users.

And how about the user's search intent? By now, you're probably wondering why search intent holds such critical significance and how big of a mistake it would be to (now imagine we are whispering the following words) ignore it.

Search intent refers to the primary goal or purpose behind a user's search query. When users search for specific keywords, they have a particular intent, such as finding information, purchasing, or seeking a solution. Search engines may rank your content lower in search results if your content doesn't align with the user's intent. 

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Understanding different types of search intent and optimizing your content to meet those intents is essential for improving SEO performance.

So what can you do to avoid this mistake is:

  • Do thorough keyword research to understand the intent behind the keywords you target.
  • Create high-quality, informative content that matches user expectations and provides value.
  • Regularly review and update your website content to stay relevant and meet the evolving needs of your target audience.

SEO Mistake #4 - You Are Not Doing Your Keyword Research Thoroughly (Or, At All)

Did you identify all the keywords and expressions prospective clients employ while searching for your products or services?

Did you align those keywords with your SEO goals?

Keyword research stands as a critical component of any successful SEO strategy.

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You may encounter a challenge if you haven't invested enough time thinking strategically about the process.

Neglecting to do thorough keyword research could lead to the following:

  • Your website contains content that may not resonate with your target audience. 
  • Bad, not converting traffic.
  • No conversion rates.
  • Wasted time and resources

Those kinds of SEO nightmares can give any responsible person a run for their money 🙂 

There are a few ways to escape these nightmare-ish situations:

  • Do your best to understand the target audience: Identifying the characteristics and preferences of the target audience help you tailor keyword research to their needs and search behaviors.
  • Balance competition and relevance: Striking a balance between highly competitive and long-tail keywords can yield a more effective optimization strategy. Highly competitive keywords may require additional resources and time to rank, while long-tail keywords can provide targeted and qualified traffic.
  • Keep an eye on and refine: SEO is an ongoing process, and keyword research should be continuously monitored and refined. Regularly analyzing performance metrics and search trends allows you to adapt your keyword strategy and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

So, no more mistakes; handle keyword research with care and love.

SEO Mistake #5 - Your Backlinks Are InadequateAnd You Haven't Done Internal Linking

Link building and internal linking play essential roles in SEO. They contribute to the visibility and ranking of websites in search engine results.

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When you acquire external links from other websites to your own – this is called link building. Those external links are called backlinks; everyone wants as many and as high-quality as possible.

High-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites signal to search engines that your content is valuable and trustworthy, leading to improved SEO performance, which equals more organic traffic.

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Have you ever considered the quality of your backlinks? If you underestimate them, their significance can lead to more uncomfortable situations you'd rather avoid.

Poor quality or irrelevant external links can have drawbacks for SEO. 

If your website has numerous low-quality or spammy external links, search engines may consider your site as less trustworthy or even manipulative. This could result in penalties or a lower ranking for your website.

On the other hand, internal linking involves creating links within your website and connecting different pages together. 

Internal links are pretty valuable. They establish relationships between different pieces of content on your website, providing a clear structure and hierarchy. This allows search engines to understand the significance and significance of each page in relation to others, helping them determine which pages to prioritize and how to navigate your site.

Not utilizing internal linking can be a great mistake for SEO.

Without internal links, search engines may struggle to find and understand the structure of your website, leading to lower visibility and poor rankings.

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Fundamentally, you may consider incorporating quality backlinks and internal linking to build authority and credibility for your website.

It may require some work, but it's worth the effort.

SEO Mistake #6 - Is your website's loading speed meeting your expectations? 

Ask yourselves, honestly, how fast is your website?

Imagine searching for your favorite T-shirt brand online and stumbling upon a limited-time discount offer you are eager to get. You click and wait patiently as some little icons and images load. Finally, you click the pricing section, and you're greeted with endless scrolling, waiting for the content to display. Doesn't it feel frustrating?

Now think how your target audience must feel if they are experiencing the same issues when navigating your website.

Low website speed is considered a significant SEO mistake due to several reasons:

  • User experience: Website visitors expect fast-loading pages and have little patience for slow websites. If a website takes too long to load, users will likely become frustrated and leave, resulting in high bounce rates. A poor user experience due to slow speed can lead to declining user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Search engine crawling and indexing: Search engine bots crawl and index websites to understand their content and rank them in search results. If a website has slow load times, search engine crawlers may not be able to explore the site thoroughly and may prioritize other faster-loading websites. As a result, some pages or content may not be indexed appropriately, leading to lower visibility in search engine rankings.
  • Search engine ranking: Website speed is an important ranking factor for search engines like Google. Search engines prioritize fast-loading websites because they provide a better user experience. When multiple websites compete for the exact keywords and have similar content quality, the one with a faster loading speed is more likely to rank higher in search results.
  • Mobile optimization: With the increasing use of mobile devices for internet browsing, website speed becomes even more crucial. Mobile users often have slower internet connections, and slow-loading websites can be particularly frustrating. 
  • Conversion rates and revenue: Slow website speed can significantly impact conversion rates and revenue. Studies have shown that even a one-second delay in page load time can lead to decreased conversion rates. 
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SEO Mistake #7 - You Don’t Have Any Long Term SEO Goals, Plans, Or Processes

And this might be the scariest mistake of them all – thinking about SEO efforts as a one-time thing.

With more than 200 known ranking factors affecting enhanced visibility of your website in search engine result pages (SERPs), it becomes clear that a comprehensive understanding of SEO is necessary for success.

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SEO encompasses a wide range of considerations that require ongoing attention, from on-page optimization to technical aspects.

Stay informed about the most recent algorithm updates and adapt your SEO strategies accordingly (if you want to maintain your visibility).

You should always be one step ahead in the planning phase. 

Set up a comprehensive SEO plan with clear goals and objectives

Set up realistic targets and milestones for measuring progress and making informed decisions along the way.

Successful SEO requires ongoing processes that include regular content creation and optimization, keyword research and analysis, monitoring of website performance, and continuous link-building and outreach efforts.

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Invest consistently in these activities, and you will likely improve your organic rankings, attract targeted traffic, and enhance your online visibility.


In conclusion, SEO can be tricky, but it’s essential to get it right. 

Check your website’s usability, research keywords for specific content areas, create backlinks, browse top websites, and constantly work on internal links. 

Furthermore, don’t forget longevity! Set long-term SEO goals, see how they work out in the short term, and make new plans to rework your long-term online strategy. 

Finally, mobile optimization is critical as more people are using their devices now than ever before; fixing minor issues can make all the difference. 

Learn from these mistakes (in other words, try to avoid them) and let your audience thank you for giving them good user experiences!

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Priority Prospect

Priority Prospect

This account is utilized to share insightful content about succeeding and thriving within the SEO industry, with a particular focus on strategies for success with Priority Prospect.

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