New feature: Create redirects directly from the firewall!

May 24, 2023

Hello everyone,

We are excited to announce a new feature for our cloud firewall that brings even more functionality and control to your website traffic management.

Starting today, in addition to accepting and rejecting traffic, our firewall now allows you to redirect your website visitors to a specific URL of your choice. It's as simple as selecting the "Redirect" action type for your firewall rule and specifying the destination URL and the desired status code for the redirection.

Firewall Redirect Rule

What makes this feature truly efficient is that the redirect takes place within our core routers located across our extensive IP network. This means the visitor will be quickly redirected without ever reaching your website. As a result, the redirection occurs seamlessly, without any impact on your hosting account's load.

This feature can be used in many different situations. For example, you can enhance your website's security by effectively redirecting visitors away from undesired locations. Additionally, leverage its potential to monetize your website traffic by redirecting non-bot visitors to affiliate links. Unleash your creativity and discover the countless possibilities this feature has to offer!

Firewall Monetize Traffic

We hope you find this new feature valuable. We welcome any feedback or feature requests you may have, so please don't hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,
Priority Prospect Team

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New feature: Create redirects directly from the firewall! New feature: Create redirects directly from the firewall!

Hello everyone, We are excited to announce a new feature for our cloud firewall that brings even more functionality and control to your website traffic management. Starting today, in addition to accepting and rejecting traffic, our firewall now allows you to redirect your website visitors to a specific URL of your choice. It's as simple […]

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