New PBN Dashboard Updates

Priority Prospect
May 28, 2020


We are happy to announce a few new updates for the PBN dashboard.

New profile page

We have recreated the profile page in the PBN dashboard. The new profile page looks a bit similar to the old one but will display more information in a more cleaner and organized manner. All actions are completely redesigned for easier use.

Support pin

Now all accounts will include a support pin which you can find on the profile page. This pin will be dynamic and will be used by our support agents to verify your access to the PBN dashboard.

Authorized users

This new feature is available on the profile page as well. Use this feature to add all additional emails that are allowed to request support from us. For example, if your workers are using their own domains then make sure they are included in the authorized users list so they can easily create support tickets from their own email addresses.

New billing page

We completely rewrote the new billing page for better performance. Some clients with large amount of orders had to wait longer before their billing page was completely loaded. This has now fixed and we managed to remove 96% of MySQL requests so now the billing page should load instantly for everyone no matter how many orders they have.

And much more...

We have created a total of 57 changes to the PBN dashboard. Pretty much all of them are at the backend and very tiny UI changes.

As always, if you have any feedback, suggestions, or anything else, please contact us ASAP by creating a support ticket.

We hope you like this new update and more will come soon!

Best regards,
Priority Prospect team

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Priority Prospect

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